The Batchelor Collection - Photo Galleries

View all galleries - Church Exteriors - Corbels, Bosses and Angels - Fonts - Interiors - Landscapes - Oddities and Special Interest - Painted Screens - Poppy Heads and Benches - Stained Glass Windows - Wall Paintings - Past Exhibitions - Norfolk Poem -
Alan’s Photo Microscopy - Ruth’s Wildlife - Joyce’s Award Winners

Joyce’s Award Winners

I have chosen a selection of photos from Joyce’s collection which have done very well for her in competitions, both within Club photography and further afield nationally. It was a difficult choice as there are many! She had a real photographers eye and for those of you who are photographers you will know exactly what I mean.

View all galleries - Church Exteriors - Corbels, Bosses and Angels - Fonts - Interiors - Landscapes - Oddities and Special Interest - Painted Screens - Poppy Heads and Benches - Stained Glass Windows - Wall Paintings - Past Exhibitions - Norfolk Poem -
Alan’s Photo Microscopy - Ruth’s Wildlife - Joyce’s Award Winners